Friday, April 24, 2009

A Prayer in Spring

Dear Heavenly Father,

I love the beauty of Spring…the blue of the sky…the green of the grass. Yellow flowers echo the sun's brightness and make my soul merry. You are the sustainer of life. In you I trust my God and redeemer.

The wind blows strongly moving everything in its path. Who can escape it? A squirrel sits high atop a tree. He gently rises up and down as the winds breathe. You have equipped him to remain solid.

How perfect are your works. Who can criticize the beauty, the wonder, the awe of your creation? Thank you for life. Thank you for everlasting life.

I'm stressed with a busy schedule but I will rest in you. You know I'm doing the best I can. I choose you. I choose to put you first. May everything follow after you.

You are God. Speak to me…hang out with me…accompany me this day as the breezes of life blow on me and cause me to sway up and down. I rest because you have equipped me to remain solid.

In Jesus Name,


I wrote that prayer this morning in my journal as I was sitting outside enjoying the beauty of the spring day.

As you know one of the things that has troubled me recently is my busy schedule. I've allowed that busyness to steal the things that are most important to me. One important thing that I've allowed to be stolen is a trip to the woods to hunt morel mushrooms. My mother's dream was to find the ultimate patch of morel mushrooms. Now that she is gone, I look for her. Blooming redbud and dogwood trees liter the Indiana forest and make the treasure hunt a worthy endeavor. I have been sad that I haven't had time to get to the woods.

So, after my quiet time today I decided to walk around our property for a little impromptu mushroom hunt…even though I didn't have time. I hadn't walked 500 feet when I found my first morel mushroom! Ironically it was about 10 feet from where I saw the squirrel high in the tree during my quiet time. I ended up finding 8 mushrooms. That is quite a harvest for me!

God is amazing, real, able, personal, present, caring, loving, and all around good company. I'm glad he is walking with me today.

May this post find you walking with Him and resting in Him today.

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